Friday, 07 July 2023 |
Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Prof. Dr. Siya Lozanova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Robotics “St. Apostle and Evangelist Matthew” of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IR-BAS) and academician Chavdar Rumenin, director of the Center “Quantum Communication, Intelligent Systems for Security and Risk Management – QUAZAR”, concluded a memorandum of cooperation.
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov pointed out that with the development of artificial intelligence and HPC big changes have begun for the economy and businesses development, stressing that “in the modern world everything is connected, and common actions are needed, not only at the national level, but also beyond state borders to the European level. Cooperations among the projects will be very valuable. projects and programs.” The EuroCC2 project aims at developing a network of national centers of competence within all European countries in the field of technologies for high-performance computing HPC+ and artificial intelligence. The ambitious goal at the European level is to build a capacity of technologies and competences to be provided as up-to-date services to help business, public administration and academia. Collaboration in the field of HPC+ will be very valuable.